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Note: * Chamber members are highlighted to help you quickly identify them.


· Budget Inn in Pratt, Kansas
Budget Inn
Budget Inn   620_672_6468 · Email: [email protected]
1631 E. First, Pratt, KS 67124
* Days Inn in Pratt, Kansas
Days Inn
Days Inn   620_672_9465 · 1_800_329_7466
1901 E. First, Pratt, KS 67124
* Economy Inn in Pratt, Kansas
Economy Inn
Economy Inn   620_672_5588
1401 E. First, Pratt, KS 67124
* Evergreen Inn in Pratt, Kansas
Evergreen Inn
Evergreen Inn   620_672_6431 · 1_800_456_6424
20001 W. U.S. Hwy. 54, Pratt, KS 67124
Located next to Rick's Restaurant (Family style diner)   602-672-3681
The Evergreen also has 13 RV hookups that include: water, sewer, electricity, cable, shower and laundry facilities.
* Hillcrest Best Western in Pratt, Kansas
Hillcrest Best Western
Econo Lodge   620_672_6407 · 1_800_336_2279
1336 E. First, Pratt, KS 67124
* Leisure Hotel in Pratt, Kansas
Leisure Hotel
Leisure Hotel   620_672_9433 · 1_866_343_2600 · Email: [email protected]
1401 W. First, Pratt, KS 67124
· Super 8 in Pratt, Kansas
Super 8
Super 8   620_672_5945 · 1_800_881_8045
1906 E. First, Pratt, KS 67124
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RV Hookups

Evergreen Inn   620_672_6431 · 1_800_456_6424
20001 W. U.S. Hwy. 54, Pratt, KS 67124
Located next to Rick's Restaurant (Family style diner)   602-672-3681
13 RV hookups that include: water, sewer, electricity, cable, shower and laundry facilities.
Pratt County Veterans Memorial Lake   620_672_4120
Pratt County Road Department
There are "full service" campsites with electric & water hookups at each campsite.  To use these services, the cost is $6.00 per day; there is a box in which to put your payment.
Seidel RV Parking   620_672_3979 · 620_770_0012
30374 NE 30th Pratt, KS 67124 (Take Hwy. 61 north 3.5 miles to 30th and then 1.5 miles east to RV Entrance access.)
Weekly and monthly rates available.  10 hookups with electricity, water, and sewer.  Other amenities include a fishing lake, canoe, swimming and golf course.
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Pratt County Veterans Memorial Lake   620_672_4120
Camping is permitted at the lake without a permit and you can camp whereever you like. There are also "full service" campsites with electric & water hookups at each campsite which cost $6.00 per day.  There is a box in which to put your payment for the "full service" campsites.
Go to top of page Pratt Convention and Tourism Committee
114 N Main, Pratt, KS 67124
(620) 672-5501 · Toll Free: 888-886-1164 · [email protected]
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Last updated February 22, 2006 by Pratt Area Chamber of Commerce, [email protected]
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