Decorative bar   

Shopping & Antiques

Shopping for gifts and antiques in downtown Pratt, Kansas Downtown Pratt offers a variety of stores and services.
Visitors often remark about the friendliness of merchants and courteousness of clerks and service personnel.
In addition to the downtown area, shoppers will find national discount stores, lodging, restaurants and fast food chains.
You'll find that special gift or needed refreshment at Pratt's main street business district.

Hot and Cold Water Towers

Hot and Cold water towers in Pratt, Kansas. Photo by Susan Howell.What began as a practical joke is now one of Pratt's most unique features.
Pratt's hot and cold water towers have appeared in nationwide publications and many visitors are seen stopping for a humorous double-take or photograph.

Pratt County Historical Museum

Pratt County Historical Museum, Pratt, Kansas A visit to the Pratt County Historical Museum at 208 South Ninnescah is like instant time travel back into the days when America began building an empire out of a vast prairie.
The Pratt County Historical Society has created four galleries which depict scenes from early day Kansas homes and businesses.
People of all ages find the Pratt County Museum unique and interesting.
Taking a walk in the park in Pratt, Kansas

Lemon Park Nature Trail

The city park system is enhanced by a well designed 1 mile nature trail in a wooded area south and adjacent to Lemon park.
Lemon Park, the largest of the parks in Pratt, is approximately 117 acres and has about 80 varieties of trees.

KDWP Nature Education Center

The Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks Nature Education Center is located two miles east and one mile south of Pratt.  Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks Nature Education Center The renovated 90-year old building contains numerous wildlife mounts, dioramas, live aquariums, education materials and activities.
There is no admission charge for the center, which is open from 8:30a.m. to 4:30p.m.
Picnicking and camping are also available along the Ninnescah River just north of the museum building.

KDWP Operations Office and Fish Hatchery

The hub of Wildlife and Parks Management for the state of Kansas is located near Pratt.
Aerial view of the Pratt Fish Hatchery The first fish hatchery in Pratt County was built in 1903 and the Kansas Fish and Game Department was established in 1905.  The present hatchery facilities were built in 1960.
The hatchery ponds surround the department properties, producing fish for impoundments across the state.  Its natural setting also promotes the mission of department employees to educate, manage and protect the natural resources for the people of Kansas and the kids fishing pond is always a hit.

Pratt Co. Veterans Memorial Lake

Pratt County Veterans Memorial Lake is located three miles east of Pratt on Highway 64.  The lake is well stocked with game fish and is easily accessible.
A boat ramp, numerous fishing piers, a walk-out island and underwater fishing habitats add to the lake's fishing productivity.  Camping sites are also available.

Wood Sculptures

Clayton Coss word sculpture in Pratt, Kansas Clayton Coss, a chain-saw sculptor, has created several delightful works of art from trees.
Pratt is known as "tree city" and what better way to exemplify this than through art.  Onlookers have been amazed by watching these forms emerge at the hand of Coss's skillful craftsmanship.
In Lemon Park you'll find the Acorn Palace, the Howling Coyote, the Owl, and Young Racoons.  The Majestic Bald Eagle perched atop the American Flag can be seen inside the County Court House and a Great Horned Owl surveys the OWLS PROJECT - Outdoor Wildlife Learning Site project at Southwest School.


The Barron Theater, 313 S. Main, built in 1930 by Charles Barron, remains a showcase of architectural design.  Keeping with the original Art Deco decor, the theater now accommodates twin screens and first run movies.

Victorian Houses

You will see a variety of Victorian homes that were established in the community at the time of its inception.  Many still have the original ornate woodwork, some have ball rooms on upper stories and one has a bowling alley.
Brick-lined Streets: In the early 1900's the brick-lined streets were laid to accommodate the introduction of the automobile and a trolley car which transported passengers from the railway station to the downtown area.

The B-29 All Veterans Memorial

The B-29 All Veterans Memorial in Pratt, Kansas The B-29 All Veterans Memorial was dedicated Memorial Day weekend, 2003.  The memorial honors ALL veterans, prisoners of war, and the missing in action from ALL conflicts.
The memorial is located at the Pratt Airport Industrial Airport, formerly the Pratt Army Air Field which began in 1942 during WWII and closed on March 6, 1946.
WWII heroes who trained at the base included General Paul Tibetts, Colonel Bob Morgan to name a few.  A rich history of that era is being preserved.
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114 N Main, Pratt, KS 67124
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