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Women's Conference -- January 20, 2007
Pratt Community College -- Pratt, Kansas
8:30 am - 3:30 pm

Speakers ~ Shopping ~ Learning ~ Fun!!

Contact the Pratt Area Chamber of Commerce at
888-886-1164 or 620-672-5501 to register.

View the official Women's Conference 2007 Flyer/Registration Form.

Read more about Kerry Buskirk, our keynote speaker.

Who: The Women's Conference is a project of the Pratt Area Chamber of Commerce, which is facilitated by the conference committee volunteers and the Chamber of Commerce staff.

What: The Women's Conference is a day-long event featuring keynote speakers, breakout sessions, vendor displays, lunch, and special entertainment.

Where: The conference is held at Pratt Community COllege to accommodate the growing number of participants attending the conference each year.

Why: The mission of the conference is to provide social, educational, informational and personal development and networking opportunities for women about issues impacting women. Featured topics include health and nutrition, safety, financial, entertainment, decorating, cooking, antiquing, mental health, home improvement, fashion, self defense, substance abuse, photography, computer skills, humor and motivational.

When: The conference is held annually in January or early February.

How: The conference is supported by individual and corporate sponsors through cash and in-kind donations. The Executive Director and support staff at the Chamber of Commerce provide substantial support and assistance through solicitation of donations, conference promotion, coordination of communication and registration and on-site registration and support.

A committee of volunteers meets monthly throughout the year to coordinate speakers and vendors for the annual conference. Presentations to clubs & organizations and individual solicitation for the conference is also provided by committee members. The committee and conference, including set-up and tear-down of the facility.

The committee works diligently to provide a diverse group of speakers, vendors and topics, which will be informative to women of all ages and socio-economic status. While sensitive to the chamber membership, local representations is incorporated into each conference.

Registration fee is $25 and includes:

  • Two featured speakers
  • Breakout sessions on women's health, antiquing, highway safety, home decorating, food and entertainment.
  • Conference tote bag filled with information
  • Lunch
  • Vendor show featuring area businesses and services
  • And more!!!

Contact the Pratt Area Chamber of Commerce at 888-886-1164 or
620-672-5501 to register or for more information.


Conference Outline

8:30 AM

Registration & Vendor Shopping

9:00 - 11:00

Welcome & Introductions
Keynote Speaker: Kerry Buskirk, Augusta, Kansas -
A Motivational & Inspirational Speaker

11:00 - 11:15 Break - Move to Breakout Sessions
11:15 - 12:15 PM

Break-Out Sessions
Session A : Identity Theft - Rebecca Martin
Session B : Interior Design - Betty Chinn
Session C : Digital Photo-Creating & Organizing - Cambry Riedl
Session D : The Impact of Meth Amphetamines - Tim Marshall

12:15 - 1:15 Lunch & Shopping
1:15 - 2:15 Break-Out Sessions
Session D : Internet Fraud - Rebecca Martin
Session E : Quilting - Betty Jantz
Session F : Entrepreneurship Networks - Linda McCowan
Session G : Women’s Health & Fitness - Carmen Forest
2:15 - 2:30 Break - Return to Carpenter Auditorium
2:30 - 3:15 Fashion Style Show
3:15 - 3:30 Closing Acknowledgements

The 2007 Women's Conference is sponsored by the Pratt Area Chamber of Commerce.
Contact the Pratt Area Chamber of Commerce at 888-886-1164 or
620-672-5501 to register or for more information.

Go to top of page Pratt Convention and Tourism Committee
114 N Main, Pratt, KS 67124
(620) 672-5501 · Toll Free: 888-886-1164 · [email protected]
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